June 22, 2004

Ikea, therefore I am.

Happiness is not reaching your goal. Happiness is being on the way. It is our wonderful fate to be just at the beginning ... The word impossible has been and must remain deleted from our dictionary. -- From The Testament of a Furniture Dealer, by Ikea's Great Leader, Ingvar Kamprad, as quoted in the Guardian
It was once calculated that "10% of Europeans currently alive were conceived in one of Ikea's beds." (Whose job is it to calculate this?)
...You can love Ikea or hate it; you may feel both things at once. What is certain, though, is that Ikea loves you. This love is not unconditional - you're going to have to work for it, primarily by assembling furniture. But Ikea really does love you, with an intensity that can be unsettling. And it has big plans for your future together.
The Guardian has a 5-part story on Ikea that's so fascinating, disturbing, and loooong, it's like your first disorienting trip to the store. The short version is no less unsettling: "It's a cult, but it's a nice cult."

Of course, by the time you finish reading it, your kid'll all grown up and buying his own Ikea furniture. [via Interconnected]

Previously: Vintage Ikea Highchair
Furniture Cool Enough for the Dutch

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