Patemm, Elizabeth Mitchell, and a post I'm working on right now... It's been staring me in the face for months: a lot of parents are so dissatisfied with the pregnancy/baby/kid industry, they feel compelled to do something about it. You...
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Category archive: about daddytypes
August 30, 2004
Starting a 'Parent Company'
August 19, 2004
Daddy Type t-shirts are back
3 April Update: Shirts are temporarily out of stock. Please check back in a week or two before ordering. Thanks. I ordered up a second batch of 'daddy type' T-shirts. They're the same as before: with 'daddy type' screened...
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August 14, 2004
Jetlag Special: 5AM Thank-yous
Back from Japan, safe, sound, (almost) all accounted for, and jetlagged. More on that later. Thanks to the folks below, company's coming, and I've gotta start picking up all the stuff lying around the Daddy Types floor. First, DT fan...
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July 31, 2004
Daddy Types Japanese Tour '04
Well, I'm actually doing it: taking the kid on a 14-hour flight to Japan, and a 2-week trip to the sticks. Daddy Types is certainly going to sleep through the night, but if they have the "internet" over there, I'll...
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July 27, 2004
"Pimp Your Stroller"? Gladly, Brother Tavis
A serious and belated--what's the vernacular?--shout-out to my Brother Omar and my Brother Tavis, who did an interesting segment on baby tech and gadgets that included a nice plug for Daddy Types. I am truly living large. The discussion was...
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June 14, 2004
Did I mention the Deseret News? cuz they mentioned daddtypes
Daddy Types was among the sites featured in a funny, nice article on dads and gear in the Deseret Morning News in Salt Lake City. To new visitors from Utah, I say: Welcome, welcome, Monday morning....
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June 9, 2004
Calacanis gives up on Denton, Comes After Me
After getting crushed by crushing Nick Denton and his Gawker-led blogging empire, the notoriously media-whoring SoHo House lush with a blog or two, like a floorful of Cheerios, Jason Calacanis has moved into my sandbox. Weblogs, Inc. just launched
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May 26, 2004
Thanks, TMN
ATL - TERMINAL A, CROWN ROOM -- Wouldn't you know it, The Morning News, aka The American Academy of Lit Hip Dads and Dads-to-be, gives Daddy Types a plug...on the same day I abandon my 3-month old daughter for a...
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April 25, 2004
Privacy and terms of use
It's actually July 25, 2004, but since this is the first time--because of the t-shirt thing--that I'm receiving people's personal information, I thought I'd better make a quick statement about how Daddy Types collects, uses or shares such data. I...
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February 27, 2004
The Bugaboo Epiphany, or "Where did Daddy Types come from?"
As we were getting ready for our kid to be born, I kept sensing something was wrong, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. It was there in the chatty tone of the pregnancy books . The weekly...
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February 22, 2004
Daddy Types' (non-) design
Settling on a name --with all its entendres, no matter how inadvertent--really helped inform the design concept. Types would refer to kinds--as in, "I want to be the type of dad who doesn't fall into stereotypical parenting traps."-- as well...
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Who's Behind Daddy Types?
For now, I am. My name's Greg Allen. As of February 2004, I'm a new dad to little girl who seems rather unimpressed with my tales of filmmaking, startups, IPO's, global travel and artworld partyhopping. Fortunately, I'm used to it;...
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February 14, 2004
granddaddy types
On his weblog, William Gibson, the granddaddy of--variously--cyberpunk and dystopian fiction, writes about typing, and the kinaesthetic elegance that was the IBM Selectric typewriter. I found it as I was researching the logo and design of this site....
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