Category archive: cars

May 29, 2004

Cars I wish I was cool enough to drive, vol. 1

I don't know anything about their ride, reliability, utility, resale, or safety. Even as I laugh at and reject the flawed, obvious, "this is the most expensive car I can afford" approach to carbuying, I'm probably too brand-conscious to ever...
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May 7, 2004

Car-based Parenting

It was a traumatic moment for this new dad New Yorker. Driving around DC yesterday, I decided--for the first time ever--where to eat based on whether or not I'd have to get the kid out of the carseat. Obviously, I...
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April 12, 2004

BMW X3: a (non-)SUV for Soccer Dads

Are all auto critics stay-at-home dads? Or as Dan Erwin puts it in the BMW Car Club magazine, not only "stay-at-home soccer dads," but "househusbands"? Eh. Although his giddy-in-my-head writing style makes me think he may not actually interact with...
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April 10, 2004

Meanwhile, Minivan Rules in Gay Hollywood

So while the straight LA dad's coming out of the closet for loving a station wagon, this gay "soccer daddy or mommy or whatever you want to call me" in Beverly Hills traded in his Mercedes SL--first, for a Range...
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LA Dad Admits Loving a Station Wagon, Wins Pulitzer

LA Times auto critic Larry Neil just won a Pulitzer for columns such as this one, where he comes to terms with the fact that the car which gives him the deepest, most meaningful fit is a station wagon. A...
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March 16, 2004

Honda Pick-up for "Cool Dads"

Unlike the Element, which is popular with guys who think they're still cool, Honda's new SUT will target "cool dads--young fathers with 9-to-5 jobs and growing families that like to tear it up on the weekends with their ATVs and...
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