Category archive: names

September 6, 2004

UrbanBabyWatch: Fetal Nicknames

An incomplete list of nicknames given to the little fetus by expecting moms and dads, culled from the UrbanBaby message boards: Moms: Cookie Pie Face Squirt Rice ("b/c the lady who did my ultrasound said, 'like a piece of rice'")...
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September 4, 2004

Star Trek Baby Names

Any name's fine, as long as it's Jadzia. Also popular: B'elanna, and Seven (of Nine). i.e., all the alien hottie characters. Let me go on record here: any Star Trek name is going to be several circles deeper in taunting...
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Cult Film Baby Names

Running down the slippery naming slope here. Anyone could name their kid Cooper, but if you want to name him that because you loved BASEketball, The cult film fansite, Mutant Reviewers From Hell, has a baby name list for you....
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September 3, 2004

LOTR Baby Names

These names are acceptable if your child is born with pointy ears, hairy feet, or an obviously orc-like face. Dwarf-like doesn't cut it because, let's face it, they all come out looking a bit like dwarves. Lord of The Ring...
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June 11, 2004

From the TMI Department

[via the Celebrity Baby Blog] If ever there were a kid wishing he was named after George Lucas's dog, it's Indiana August Affleck, who was born May 31st in Amsterdam, where his dad Casey is filming Oceans Twelve. Apparently, Affleck...
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Dads: not only NOT perfect, sometimes downright stupid

[via a Gawker reader in Texas] "Hilton Furniture owner Jack Hilton, quite a celebrity with his energetic cheap local-only Houston commercials, introduced his baby daughter on a commercial today. He named his daughter Paris. Paris Hilton." Related Tip: Use Google...
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June 9, 2004

Statistical Analysis of Baby-naming Trends, via The Economist

British researchers studying "the mathematics of cultural transmission" have published a statistical analysis of the emergence of popular new baby names. The Economist reviewed their results. Some key factors: new, non-traditional names are almost 2x more likely for girls than...
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May 29, 2004

Strawberry, Apple. Apple, Strawberry

Strawberry Saroyan (granddaughter of William) gives some friendly, reassuring advice for Apple Martin in the NY Times Style section. Strawberry and her sister, Cream's names were suggested by their grandmother, but readily adopted by her artist mother and "one-word poet"...
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May 27, 2004

Baby Naming Madness

LOLOL ...How about Lou? When I was in England, I heard that name and it seemed to have a little tinkle to it. Randy is good too. You weren't listening QUITE hard enough in England, were you? ... And then...
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May 21, 2004

Baby Naming, Now Apple-Scented

Apple Martin's falling, so to speak, from the tree, has intensified the water cooler-level interest in baby-naming strategies. Strategies, as opposed to categories or outcomes: Asking a longtime friend for permission to name your child after theirs is both honorable...
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May 17, 2004

Coldplay's Daddy Video: The Nappies

When they have a baby, some musicians get their friends together and make silly T-shirts. Others get their friends together, put on silly wigs, and make silly videos. Coldplay, it turns out, falls into the latter category. To celebrate the...
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April 21, 2004

Kids Naming Kids

From McSweeney's: Baby Names for an Expected Sister Suggested by Nathaniel Watson, Age Six Early on, in the interest of drumming up ideas and goodwill among cousins, and avoiding children's-eye-level trends ("Well, there are 10 Isabelle's in my class."), we...
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Putting the PHAT in Phather

Retired NJ Net Jayson Williams isn't relying on the criminal justice system to fill all his spare time. The NYPost reports that Williams and his wife Tanya just had a second child. Little Whizdom J. Williams joins her sister, Tryumph,...
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April 8, 2004

Egyptian and Soap Opera Baby Naming Trends

Shahd (pure honey) became popular on the back of the Ramadan 2002 soap Amira fi Abdin, which featured a character of the same name. Bawabat Al-Halawani, a soap first shown on Egyptian TV in the late 1990s, introduced the...
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February 18, 2004

If you're buying a baby naming book

Consider Beyond Jennifer and Jason, which groups possible names into very useful categories. In fact, the categories are almost more helpful, since they can focus your naming efforts. For example, we found categories like Soap Opera Names, TV Character Names,...
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February 12, 2004

Google-proof your baby

To this list of standard baby name dealbreakers: - Already too trendy - Used by celebrity parents - Soap opera characters > 0 - The WB/USA Network characters > 0 - Vanity URL availability I would add: Google search results...
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