Category archive: clothing

September 7, 2004

Totshop T-shirt, (Psychotherapy Not Included)

Gee, I don't know why I didn't know about this. I mean, I only get about 500 emails on this topic every day. Wah Baby makes some irreverent baby-sized t-shirts, which are available at for $19 each. Besides Sophocles...
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September 4, 2004

Star Trek Baby Names

Any name's fine, as long as it's Jadzia. Also popular: B'elanna, and Seven (of Nine). i.e., all the alien hottie characters. Let me go on record here: any Star Trek name is going to be several circles deeper in taunting...
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September 1, 2004

Old School O.C.: 80's Punk Concert Flyers on Onesies*

Mini Maniacs stands out among the cottage industry sprawl of SoCal parent t-shirt companies. For one thing, they make more than t-shirts, and for another thing, the t-shirts they do make are actually unique. They may bring back troubling memories...
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August 31, 2004

In LA, Everyone's Unique (In The Same Way)

Gee, good thing I added the "parent company" category; it'll give me a place to post the birth announcement of every stylist/graphic designer/publicist/musician/freelancer in Southern California. Apparently, it's the law that when you have a kid in LA, you start...
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August 18, 2004

Pimp & Ho Costumes for Kids

Projecting parental fantasies onto children has its darkside. Jon Benet. Pimp & Ho costumes, on Yahoo shops [via waxy] Related: Pimpin' your kids out to show biz...
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July 30, 2004

Celebrity Baby Endorsement Roundup

I've been holding it in, so to speak, on these two celebrity baby product endorsements. Who needs Us Weekly? Trixie ( and Colum ( sporting some nice solid color bucket hats from The Childrens Place. [The're also available in camo....
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July 27, 2004

DadFrat Gear-apalooza

OK, I realize I'm not going to build a daddy gear empire with half a dozen t-shirts. But if I had any delusions of grandeur, or any misplaced sense of accomplishment for coming up with a design (that's basically the...
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July 23, 2004

Wanna Buy A T-Shirt?

I wanted to see what they'd look like, so I made a few t-shirts for myself and a couple of newly dadded up family members. They didn't turn out that badly, I must say. It's an American Apparel jersey...
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July 19, 2004

Baby Massage Pajamas

I found this via Daily Candy, which apparently has a kids posting about twice a year. It's pajamas with little diagrams printed all over to show you where the kid's various accupressure/massage points are. That sounds like a good idea,...
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July 13, 2004

VP-Quote Onesie*

It was only a matter of time. "Go f&%* yourself!/ Vice-President Dick Cheney" Onesie(R)-like garment, $14.99 from Cafepress. [thanks, Gudlyf] * see below...
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June 19, 2004

Camo and Uniforms for Babies

After seeing so much camo for dads, I thought I'd Google camo onesies*; I hit the jackpot. The one-piece bodysuit jackpot, that is. The military clothing site, Out In Style has a wide range of kid clothing, including a camo...
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June 15, 2004

Red, White & Blue Diaper Babies

In the sixties, the John Birch Society outed a bunch of college-age children of Communists who they said were secretly conspiring to foment unrest on campuses around the country. These youngsters were surreptitiously programmed from birth, they said, to destroy...
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June 7, 2004

Sports Team Gear

I stumbled across GatorHaven, which has a shockingly comprehensive collection of University of Florida gear for kids, including this nylon jersey replica Onesie (R)*-shaped bodysuit. Well, one Florida post threatens to open up the floodgates. Turns out I could post...
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Black Onesies?

Being New Yorkers, before we knew the gender of our kid, we knew one thing: it's gonna wear black. Of course, that was before we'd stepped foot into the relentless swamp of pink, light blue, yellow, and cream that clogs...
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June 1, 2004

T-shirts and Creepers for Geeks

If the mere existence of clothing for the children of computer geeks isn't enough to dispel the notion that at least somebody in the IT department's gettin' some, there are pictures. Not, thankfully, of Sysadmins Gone Wild, but of actual...
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May 17, 2004

Rocker Baby T-shirts from Infantile

They grow up so fast. It was only two months ago that a couple of San Francisco rockers started a kiddy clothing line called Infantile, and now they're in the Washington Post. If the baby industry's going to be saved...
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May 14, 2004

Wifebeater Onesies?

Yeah, they're technically for wearing with little sleeveless dresses or whatever, but if you combine these wifebeater Onesies Æ bodysuits* with a pair of baggy black pants and a do-rag, you can turn your kid into a gang-bangin' little cholito....
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April 29, 2004

LOLOL Nippaz With Attitude

Where to start? NWA: Nippaz With Attitude is the UK source for some of the coolest designs around for baby t-shirts, OnesieÆ-like creepers*, skull caps, and bibs. NWA has heavy metal-inspired designs that somehow don't look like trailer trash,...
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April 27, 2004

Clothing Seen on The Street

Some clothes encounters worth noting: Rebel Dad's "Men who change diapers change the world" t-shirt scores so big at the march in DC over the weekend, he put them up for sale. Meanwhile, in the park, Laid-off Dad deftly, hilariously,...
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April 23, 2004

Packing Tip: Take Some Pants

We were out shopping today with the kid, and she had a righteous blowout. The whole outfit and the blanket was knocked out of commission. The diaper bag had only a OnesieÆ in it, no pants, socks, anything; and it...
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