Category archive: strollers

September 3, 2004

Bugaboo By...: Strollers get Murakamified

When I lived in France, I was shopping for a used Citroen Deux Chevaux (only the coolest car in the world). One ad I called about, the lady said, "yes, it's white, with schtroumpf painted on it." "What's that?" "Schtroumpf...
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The Cruelty of Kate Spade's MacLaren Stroller

Is this the second limited edition stroller Kate Spade designed for MacLaren? To be honest, I wasn't following stroller fashion too closely before the kid pencilled herself into our calendar. But I remember a distant buzz about it among our...
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August 19, 2004

Cinnamon, the Stroller Test Dummy

Translated from Baby Pro News. Baby Pro bills itself as a "Baby Item Laboratory," and I humbly bow my head in the presence of a supreme master of baby gear-related websitery:Although strollers have quickly become compact and light, there...
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August 14, 2004

That's Odd: United decides Bugaboo not a stroller, and other travel lessons

What's the Daddy Types secret for getting your kid to sleep the entire flight, even a 12-hour stretch from Osaka to O'hare? Get her to puke right after takeoff. (Of course, self-induced vomiting will come in handy when she starts...
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August 8, 2004

Bamboo Bugaboo

It's too sunny and too hot for the kid to ride around in a stock Bugaboo/Maxi-Cosi carseat. The pullout shade doesn't cover her legs; the black carseat soaks up heat; and there's no ventilation, either. So I jury-rigged a...
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July 19, 2004

UrbanBabyWatch: Stroller Mafia

Even before it turned up as a display model in a couple of Manhattan baby stores, the 'stroller mafia' at UrbanBaby had already been opinionating on the Stokke's Xplory for a couple of months. The early results: mixed, intrigued, skeptical,...
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July 17, 2004

Chinese Bamboo Strollers, Orphanage Gear

Whoa. Meanwhile, on the other end of the technological spectrum from the Xplory and the Bugaboo: strollers and prams made out of bamboo, which are still widely used, it seems, in 2nd tier-and-below Chinese cities. The thumbnail at left is...
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July 13, 2004

Stokke Stalker

When manufacturers take a new car out for actual roadtesting, they try to obscure it with fake body panels, blackout tape, etc. to throw off the spy photographers. For strollers, though, the strategy is shirts. Mike Richards, the only person...
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July 12, 2004

Stokke Xplory at Buy Buy Baby NYC

A scoop from DT informant Pierre- The Stokke Xplory stroller is now at Buy Buy Baby in NYC. According to my in-store source--I report, you decide to buy--a demo model came in last week, and they've begun taking names and...
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July 10, 2004

BOB Sport Utility Stroller

OK, sometimes it feels like we're inventing parenting as we go, that such a world as we now live in didn't exist before the kid was born. Flush with a sense of duty to share my rare insights with an...
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July 9, 2004

Chariot Carriers Take Vancouver

DT reader Hans pointed me to the Chariot, which, he reports, is the "craze-du-jour here in lovely Vancouver. (Even on the west coast of Canada, they're required to mix French and English. Keeps everybody calm.) Anyway, the Chariot is a...
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July 7, 2004

Mountain Buggy Urban Stroller

Now this is one I see all over, especially in New York. Mountain Buggy is another New Zealand-based all-terrain stroller company (Is all that Lord of The Rings landscape really so irresistible to hike through?) that's been making a...
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July 6, 2004

Phil and Teds E^3 Off-Road Buggy

I found out about Phil & Teds on a research trip to Right Start, where I was tracking down a decent-looking double stroller we'd seen in the park. The saleswoman said, "Have you seen Phil & Teds? We sell out...
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July 5, 2004

Sport Utility Stroller Week

Happy birthday to the Land of the Freelander and the Home of the Bravado. This week I'm finally rounding up the sport utility strollers that are multiplying around me. With these strollers--unlike so many SUVs, where S is for Size--the...
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June 30, 2004

Chris Martin drives a Bugaboo!!!

Buy a black Bugaboo just like Chris Martin's at babystyle for-- who cares how much it costs??...
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Stroller Companies: 'You Are Celebrity Pram-Chasing Lemmings'

I can't top this, so I'll just link and quote a lot:Lists of the nation's top celebrities are being scoured by PR consultants for names of glamorous stars. They must be young, beautiful and - most importantly - have a...
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June 29, 2004

NASA Scientist Reveals How to Work a Bugaboo

Don't blame Gwyneth's minions. They just revealed to the world what every Bugaboo owner already knows: opening and closing one of those things is hard to figure out. The Bugaboo differs from, say, an umbrella--or even an umbrella stroller--where these...
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June 10, 2004

Cross-breed your Bugaboo

At first, it caught us off guard, now we're used to it, but we get stopped and/or talked about whenever we take the kid out in the stroller, especially by the dads. Nothing hurts more than having to meet...
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June 9, 2004

Seal drives a Bugaboo!!!

"What are people excited about wearing this summer?" "'Baby barf!' said the singer Seal, who has been playing proud step-papa to luscious model Heidi Klumís 5-week-old baby, Leni. -The New York Observer's report from the Council of Fashion Designers...
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June 4, 2004

Ridiculously big sunshade for strollers

Like the Friends haircut, capri pants for men, and those ugly sheepskin Ugg boots for anybody, ridiculously big, floppy sunshades on strollers are an instant, unfortunate trend, at least in NYC. They're from an Australian company called Pepeny, which is...
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