February 13, 2004

Che Onesies*


The day of our first ultrasound, I went a little crazy at Sam & Seb, the too-cute-for-its-own-good Willamsburg baby store. To take the edge of this excitement- and anxiety-driven consumerist orgy, I bought an olive green onesie with Che Guevara's trademark visage on the front. [Trademark. That's a commie joke, get it?*]

It's made by Appaman, and it's the tip of their trying-to-be-cool-with-baby-clothes iceberg.

Ah, the joke's on me. It turns out, not only is OnesieĈ a registered trademark of Gerber Childrenswear, Inc., but there have been many instances where companies have trademarked the familiar image of Che for commercial use. Fidel Castro actually wrote to the Times of London in 1996 to protest the use of Che's likeness to sell lager. He complained consumers would mistakenly think it was a Cuban product. I guess Castro doesn't hang out too much at the US Patent & Trademark Office.


Check these guys out, I love their stuff. Hip but not trying too hard.


Hey C,

I agree. I wrote a bit about them in a post about LA punk baby companies in August.

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