February 2004 Archives

February 27, 2004

The Bugaboo Epiphany, or "Where did Daddy Types come from?"

As we were getting ready for our kid to be born, I kept sensing something was wrong, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. It was there in the chatty tone of the pregnancy books . The weekly...
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February 22, 2004

Daddy Types' (non-) design

Settling on a name --with all its entendres, no matter how inadvertent--really helped inform the design concept. Types would refer to kinds--as in, "I want to be the type of dad who doesn't fall into stereotypical parenting traps."-- as well...
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Who's Behind Daddy Types?

For now, I am. My name's Greg Allen. As of February 2004, I'm a new dad to little girl who seems rather unimpressed with my tales of filmmaking, startups, IPO's, global travel and artworld partyhopping. Fortunately, I'm used to it;...
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February 21, 2004

if your baby's healthy but blue

There are plenty of health reasons that your new baby may be blue. After you've eliminated these possibilities, in consultation with your qualified health expert, if your baby is still blue, consider the following: 1. Your people may be blue,...
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Jeep Baby Gear

Since 2002, Jeep's Consumer Products division has been licensing a growing assortment of reasonably cool, reasonably priced baby gear. The links below are to Baby Age, but Jeep stuff is in stores, too. Kolcraft makes a Jeep Liberty Limited...
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Jeep Sahara Limited XT portable crib

Any color as long as it's black. If that's your buying strategy for baby gear you have to live/work with, check out the Jeep Sahara Limited XT portable crib by Kolcraft. Why did Jeep license a portable crib? Who...
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February 19, 2004

The Daddy Types Guide to Men's Rooms With Changing Tables

Upon leaving the house for the first time with my kid, and having to change her diaper out there in the cold, cruel world, I realized a couple of things: 1) Most men's rooms don't have changing tables, or even...
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February 18, 2004

"imagine you're in the forest with a thousand midwives"

... or better yet, don't. We looked for a good yoga video for the wife to use during her pregnancy, something that was robust, but not too strenuous, and that'd easily clear her slight skeptical hurdle over western yoga culture....
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If you're buying a baby naming book

Consider Beyond Jennifer and Jason, which groups possible names into very useful categories. In fact, the categories are almost more helpful, since they can focus your naming efforts. For example, we found categories like Soap Opera Names, TV Character Names,...
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Pregnancy Books: Choosing the Tip of the Right Iceberg

It seems like every semi-competent pregnancy book is really the thin wedge of some doctor's publishing empire. I don't know yet about the spin-offs and follow-ons, but these three baby book brands have done alright by us so far. My...
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February 14, 2004

granddaddy types

On his weblog, William Gibson, the granddaddy of--variously--cyberpunk and dystopian fiction, writes about typing, and the kinaesthetic elegance that was the IBM Selectric typewriter. I found it as I was researching the logo and design of this site....
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February 13, 2004

Che Onesies*

The day of our first ultrasound, I went a little crazy at Sam & Seb, the too-cute-for-its-own-good Willamsburg baby store. To take the edge of this excitement- and anxiety-driven consumerist orgy, I bought an olive green onesie with Che...
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Industrial Changing Tables

We hated almost all the nursery furniture we saw. Why isn't there a cool industrial-style, crib or changing table or dresser, we thought? Even the bassinet-on-wheels they showed us on the hospital tour would be cooler than the tole-painted schlock....
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Blending in with Camo Diaper Bags

I guess the theory goes, if it's camo, no one will see it. Or at least they won't notice it's a diaper bag. If you subscribe to that "huh? what bag?" approach Here are three options Fleurville's feature-loaded diaper Alpha...
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February 12, 2004

Baby Naming Don'ts

Engineering geek names son version 2.0...
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Doable Diaper Bags

Unlikely as it sounds, a company called Fleurville makes a very decent-looking dad-friendly diaper bag, if you choose the right material. (They finally introduced black canvas this month. Yes, they have camo, too.) The Alpha 7 is loaded with...
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Google-proof your baby

To this list of standard baby name dealbreakers: - Already too trendy - Used by celebrity parents - Soap opera characters > 0 - The WB/USA Network characters > 0 - Vanity URL availability I would add: Google search results...
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Contact Daddy Types

If I'm asking for it, it's not unsolicited advice.
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greg [at] daddytypes [dot] com

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